50, Dokuchaeva street, Perm, Russia, 614031 info@nord-pack.ru

Privacy policy | NORD PACK

The Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) applies to all information that NORDPACK (the Company) can receive about the User during the use of any of the Company's sites, services, programs or products (hereinafter referred to as Services). Using the site and services of NORDPACK, the user thereby agrees to the application of the rules for the collection and use of the data described in this document. If you do not agree with the terms of our privacy policy, do not use the NORDPACK website or services.

1. Terms and definitions

1.1. Company is OOO "NORD PARK", a limited liability company under the laws of Russian Federation.

1.2. User is a person who receives access to applications, services or information posted on the Site.

1.3. The site is the Company's website on the Internet at nord-pack.ru, including subdomains ***.nord-pack.ru, as well as any other websites of the Company that contain a link to this Policy.

1.4. Services are sites, programs, products or services of the Company;

1.5. Policy is a policy of confidentiality of personal information that establishes rules for processing personal information of a user.

1.6. Personal Information of the User is personal information that the User provides about himself when sending his contact information using the feedback form, registration (creating an account) or in the process of using the Services, including the User's personal data. Mandatory information is marked in a special way. The User at its discretion provides other information.

2. Agreement to the processing of personal information

Accepting the terms of this Agreement User agrees to:

2.1. User provides personal data that includes last name, first name, patronymic, e-mail address, contact phone number, date of birth, region, city, organization, position. User provides information for their processing by the Company freely, by own will and in own interest.

2.2. User receives via email advertising and information messages relating to the products or services of the Company and its partners. For this purpose is used email-address which User submits during the registration on the Site.

3. Purposes of processing personal information of Users

3.1. To provide the User with the services of the Site and Services;

3.2. To send notifications regarding the services of the Site;

3.3. To prepare and send responses to the User's requests;

3.4. To send information about events held by the Company;

3.5. To send information about the Company's products and services.

4. Conditions for processing personal information of Users

4.1. User express agreement for the following actions with their personal information: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), use, depersonalization, transferring to third parties for the above purposes, as well as any other actions provided for by law Russia Federation both by non-automated and automated methods.

5. Changing and removing personal information

5.1. The user may at any time change or delete the personal information. For this purpose, User should send a request to the e-mail address info@nord-pack.ru.

5.2. The information will be changed or deleted within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the electronic request for information removal.

6. Measures to protect personal information

6.1. The Company commits to take all necessary organizational and technical measures to protect the User's personal data from unauthorized access or disclosure.

7. Changes to This Privacy Policy

7.1. he Company has the right to amend this Privacy Policy. The date of the last update is indicated when changes are made to the current version. The new version of the Policy shall come into force from the moment of its placement, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Policy. The current version is constantly available on the page at https://nord-pack.ru//privacy.

8. Other Provisions

8.1. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this policy and arrangements between the User and the Company.

The User confirms that he is acquainted with all the points of this Agreement and accepts them unconditionally.

Please contact us if you have any issues related to violation of the Company's copyright, illegal use of the Site materials or placement of false, misleading information about the Company.

Consent to the processing of personal data comes into force from the date of submition of the consent and is valid for an indefinite period. It can be withdrawn by sending a notice to the email address info@nord-pack.ru

OOO "NORD PARK", a limited liability company under the laws of Russian Federation, Tax reference number 5908031980, Phone: +7 (342) 213-69-40. Legal address: 614031, Russia, Perm, Dokuchaeva street, 50 Mailing address: 614031, Russia, Perm, Dokuchaeva street, 50

Date of publication: November 20, 2017.